Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Chicago Flower and Garden Show

I was in Chicago for an army class this last weekend. I had no idea the Flower and Garden Show was beginning that Saturday. I also didn't know I would be getting out of class in time to see it! Wasn't prepared, I didn't have my regular camera, but that didn't stop me from taking pictures with my phone. I loved getting the chance to smell spring bulbs! Seeing the fabulous collections of tulips! Enjoying the floral arrangements! And getting quite a few ideas... We still have measurable snow coming, and I know spring is a long way off, so here are a few of the very first pictures I took when I arrived at the Chicago Flower and Garden Show.  Enjoy! More to come, too!


CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Well that was a nice surprise for you(-: It has been warm here so we are in Spring mode. Time to get things going around here. Time is not working out these days though. I have limited time and usually don't feel like doing much. I have to get more motivated! Happy Spring!

Jamie Rex said...

It was! Happy spring to you, too, Cindee!!